The material presented here is my original creation, intended for use with the GURPS system from Steve Jackson Games. This material is not official and is not endorsed by Steve Jackson Games. GURPS is a registered trademark of Steve Jackson Games. All rights are reserved by SJ Games. This material is used here in accordance with the SJ Games online policy. Uukaptai Special [475 points]Attributes [310 points]: ST 25 [140] DX 16 [80] IQ 13 [30] HT 16 [60], Advantages [143 points]: Chameleon 2 aka Cloak of Shadows [14 points], Combat Reflexes [15 points], Damage Resistance 3 [9 points], Fit [5 points], Metabolism Control 2 [10 points], Passive Defense 2 [50 points], plus 50 points chosen from among Acute Hearing, or Taste and Smell [2 points/level], Acute Vision [2 points/level], Alterness [5/level], Cast Iron Stomach [15], Catfall [10 points], additional Chameleon aka Cloak of Shadows [7 points/level], extra DR [3points/level], Extra Encumbrance [5 points], Extra Hit Points [5 points/level], Fearlessness [2/level], Flexibility [15 points], High Pain Threshold [10 points], Injury Tolerance [varies], Literacy [5 points], Military Rank [5 points/level], additional Metabolism Control [5/level], Nictitating Membrane [Varies], Night Vision [10 points], Peripheral Vision [15 points], Rapid healing [5 points] or Very Rapid Healing [15 points], Status [5 points/level], Strikers [Varies], Strong Will [4 points/level], Super Jump [10/level], Ultrahearing [5 points], Venom [15/level], upgrade Fit to Very Fit [+10 points], Wealth [5/level], Weapon Master [20 or 45 points], Disadvantages [-35 points]: Duty to the Circle, Quite Often [-10 points], Uukaptai Hum [-5], Plus 20 points chosen from among: Callous [-6 points], Code of Honor [varies], upgrade Duty to Almost All the Time [-5] or Extremely Hazardous Duty [-10 points], Fanaticism [-15], Overconfidence [10], Sense of Duty [varies], Primary Skills [34 points]: Black Powder Weapons (Flintlock Musket) (PE) 17 DX + 1 [2 points], Broadsword (PA) 17 DX +1 [4 points], Close Combat (Broadsword) (A)12 bs –6 +3 [2 points], Feint (Broadsword) (H) 19 bs+2 [2 points], Hit Location (Broadsword) (H) 16 bs-3+2 [2 points], Camouflage (ME) 13 IQ [1 point], Fencing (Rapier) (PA)16 DX [2 points], Feint (Rapier) (H) 18 fn+2 [2 points], Hit Location (Rapier) (H) 15 fn-3 +2 [2 points], Flèche (A)15 fn-3+3 [2 points], Lunge (A)17 fn-2+3 [2 points], Hiking (PA) 15 HT-1 [1 points], Karate (PH)1 6 DX [4 points], Aggressive Parry (Karate) (H) 10 kp2/3-4+2 [2 points], Neck Snap (Karate) (H) 23 ST-4+2 [2 points], Philosophy (Uukaptai) (MH) 12 IQ-1 [1 point], Savoir-Faire (Uukaptai) (ME) 13 IQ [1 point] Primary Skills (if you're not using Martial Arts) [35 points]: Black Powder Weapons (Flintlock Musket) (PE) 17 DX + 1 [2 points], Broadsword (PA) 18 DX +3 [16 points], Camouflage (ME) 13 IQ [1 point], Fencing (Rapier) (PA)16 DX+1 [4 points], Hiking (PA) 15 HT [2 points], Karate (PH)17 DX+1 [8 points], Philosophy (Uukaptai) (MH) 12 IQ-1 [1 point], Savoir-Faire (Uukaptai) (ME) 13 IQ [1 point] Secondary Skills [20 points]: Armory (Black Powder Weapons) MA 15 IQ-1 [1 point], Black Powder Weapons (Flintlock Rifle) (ME)16 DX [1 point], Black Powder Weapons (Flintlock Pistol) (ME) 16 DX [1 point], Climbing (PA)15 DX-1 [1 point], First Aid (ME)13IQ[1 point], Jumping (PE) 15 DX [1 point], Main Gauche (PA)15 DX-1[1 point], Orienteering (MA)14IQ –1 [1 point], Riding (Horse) (PA)16 DX [2 points], Stealth (PA) 16 DX [2 points], Survival (Woodlands) (MA) 12IQ-1[1 point], Survival (pick one) (MA) 12 IQ-1 [1 point], Survival (pick another) (MA) 12 IQ-1 [1 point], Swimming (PE)16 DX [1 point], Traps (MA)12 IQ-1 [1 point], Two-handed Sword (PA) 13 DX-1 [1point] Secondary Skills (if you're not using Martial Arts) [19 points]: Armory (Black Powder Weapons) MA 15 IQ-1 [1 point], Black Powder Weapons (Flintlock Rifle) (ME)16 DX [1 point], Black Powder Weapons (Flintlock Pistol) (ME) 16 DX [1 point], Climbing (PA)15 DX-1 [1 point], First Aid (ME)13IQ[1 point], Jumping (PE) 15 DX [1 point], Main Gauche (PA)15 DX[2 points], Orienteering (MA)14IQ –1 [1 point], Riding (Horse) (PA)16 DX [2 points], Stealth (PA) 16 DX [2 points], Survival (Woodlands) (MA) 12IQ-1[1 point], Survival (pick one) (MA) 12 IQ-1 [1 point], Survival (pick another) (MA) 12 IQ-1 [1 point], Swimming (PE)16 DX [1 point], Traps (MA)12 IQ-1 [1 point], Two-handed Sword (PA) 13 DX-1 [1point] Optional Skills [3 points]: Spend 3 points on any of the following skills: Area Knowledge (any) (ME), Body Language, Cloak (PA), Cooking (ME), Combat Art/Sport (For any Weapon Skill) (Varies), Engineer (Combat) (MH), Intimidation (MA), Leadership (MA), Savoir Faire (military) (ME), Tactics (MH) , Teamster (MA) |
(c) Tom deMayo 2003. Please do not reproduce this page without my permission. Mention of other people's game systems, Trademarks, etc are without permission and purely for comparative purposes. No challenge to their status is intended. The material presented on the pages within http://www.flark.org/SoulEngine/GURPSSE/ is my original creation, intended for use with the GURPS system from Steve Jackson Games. This material is not official and is not endorsed by Steve Jackson Games. GURPS is a registered trademark of Steve Jackson Games. All rights are reserved by SJ Games. This material is used there in accordance with the SJ Games online policy. The Tri-Stat dX Core Rules are a trademark of Guardians Of Order, Inc. Used without permission. The Discworld belongs to Terry and Lynn Pratchett. Used without permission. Ook! Other mentioned books, game-systems, characters and so forth are properties of their respective owners, publishers, or whatever. Used without permission.